Dealing with Data is a deal for new services and products
We are living in the Data Economy era as the most valuable resource is not anymore Oil but Data as stated also by the EU Commissioner for digital economy: “the DE will unleash its full potential and double its value to 4 per cent of GDP in 2020”. The impact of DE application is relevant if we consider AS and its territorial challenges. COVID-19 emergency highlighted the importance of the digital technologies and the Open Data even more: hundreds of Applications are going to be developed starting from data available to track people, identify danger situations, etc.
Data can improve living and entrepreneurial conditions in Alpine space
With 80 million of habitants, the Alpine Space has specific needs in providing valuable and on time quality service to the population (es. weather prevention, mobility, hydrogeological issues, etc), to the tourists and to the SMEs. A contribute can come from Open Data: exploitation: they are a “mine” of information available with the e-government policies and - if elaborated and packed – can become a source of value services for the public actors and the markets.
Nowadays several local initiatives using OD in different sectors are going: municipalities, social networks, local development agencies, private entities and entrepreneurship located in the Alpine areas are working on that. Nevertheless, no clear impact is registered and integrated and efficient solutions are missing.
The effect of the digital economy on digital policy strategy at macro regional level is also still poor.
What is the added value of DEAS project?
Scope of DEAS is to improve the value of using open data for public service and business, raise competitiveness of the Alpine space areas with their exploitation and improve the Alpine Digital Agenda. DEAS will strengthen the impact of the digital single market strategy&action plan focusing on alpine strategic sectors which can benefit from the use of open data, such as climate protection, tourism&culture and mobility. With DEAS project, the public & private sectors will boost the creation of new disruptive and customer-oriented services/products for citizens, tourists and entrepreneurs.
Other information:

Presentazione dei progetti regionali
Presentazione utilizzata durante il Kick Off meeting di Febbraio 2020 per condividere, con i partner di progetto, la visione dell'Agenda Digitale del Veneto in tema di Open Data e Open Innovation.

Presentazione Data Economy
Presentazione utilizzata durante il Kick Off meeting di Febbraio 2020 per condividere, con i partner di progetto, una visione condivisa sulla Data Economy e sulle opportunità offerte dai dati, nei processi di decision making.